And so it is — Remotely Speaking

1 min readSep 9, 2020

Weeks have been hours. Dealing with some distros and installations in different machines, configuration of Moodle courses, integration of University, Moodle and Google features, lots of passwords and sites, my own fighting facing Mendeley and Zotero and + The paragraph would be very large if I was to try to describe it all. That’s my lead.

What is it to perform remotely the “same” job?

Not even close. The resources are different, very different. Economy of attention drives hard. Where are we?

Well , some of us have noticed these before and were trying to talk about it with others. Cigac ( no links available now, google the meeting at Sousa, Paraíba, Brazil — Conferência de Gestão Ambiental Colaborativa in 2012) was one, as I like to say, instance of this.

Many more to talk about. But this is my training for today. Thank God (choose the god).





Orlando G. da Silva — organizing-scitech , administração, UACC, CCJS, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande /UFCG —