5 min readApr 2, 2022



This story was told to my mobile, to some app converting my voice into text, it is full of mistakes and I am going to be correcting them (keeping at sight what was corrected as an ongoing comprehension) baby steps, as it could be possible for the next months. New stories will come the same way, and I’ll be doing the same to all. :)

Also, there is another thing very important to say now. I think I’ve said this before here, but maybe not so clearly as I am trying to say now: I am not worried if my English isn’t the most perfect one to native reading. I shall just communicate and if it happens for instance that someone sees it (really hard as we know ), gets interested in it ( well, after someone seeing it can be possible, I hope), then we talk, of course. That is to say, I am not forcing myself to find a perfect English speech organization for some distant imaginary native, but I”ll do my best trying to make it grammatically correct, gentle, friendly, and communicable. Cheers!

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Today I went to the bike repair shop

Well it was as I remember the first day I stopped by to think about me riding my bike store the way I use it to ride around I was at the bike repair shop and this is not any bike repair this is very very specific one at first it was difficult to find a place to do that things around my bike but I’m just not trying to say that well stop point, nice. Skip line enter enter

Well, it’s been a long time since I last bro here, ain’t it? There is so much to say, there is so much I’ve been riding around, at the beach, the streets, at home, everywhere.

I’m doing that thing talking to my phone and make it right for me and make it right for me and make it right for me I’m not trying to say right as right as rights to mention I’m trying to say right as in writing a text write to me that’s it right to me so I use my phone to write to me while I’m talking while I’m trying to perform my English little bit of punctuation, little bit of understanding is around, it’s really nice being here, nobody really understands what I’m doing I think and this is research. Well, it’s been 15 days since I’ve been in the University riding my bike it was first class riding my bike I’m only with one bike now the other one has been robbed then it was strange you know I had other problems had all the problems around this week I’m going as well too the university and in fact today Saturday I’m going on Sunday Monday I’m going on Tuesday and okay I just been to the repair shop now cuz my tires weren’t good and at the same time that they were good I had to do something not to pay for fun for the day I’m going to the university next week so it’s not any repair shop it’s all I had today and it’s how can I say about telling something in a Saturday and telling people that I’ll do find a place at Saturday to fix your bike, I’ve been saying that whole thing about repair shop not the whole thing but that leads about repair shops and everything and right to fix but I have a friend I can call him a friend I think and his name is Felipe Fonseca and Philippines at Germany now doing his research his doctorate research I think and are not doctorate but he’s doing some kind of research there he’s always traveling and doing things like this and with none each other for at least 2009 I’m really in fact try not to look at Philippine things because cuz he just knows he just knows a lot of things and and it keeps a man how can I talk about open and free software and things like these in has the release often thing and then just say that I try not to look at 350 things and I’m going to riding when I’m studying because sleeping things make me feel influenced by his thoughts by his knowledgeable aware of is the person that travels a lot and has been traveling lots is living in in this movement is hacker movement I can move into the one way I think I say political movement internet political movement while he’s been it’s realizing and co-organizing a community of practice that I think I can use this term also community of practice and this is 2002 when and we have lots of things in common and not lots of things in coming back well it’s repairing thing this working around bye-bye it’s really not that easy to talk about it but I must this is research, if I don’t tell the stories if I don’t tell if I don’t try to tell them anyway it wouldn’t make sense being around on that bike and observing other buy stuff coming around not the bicycle just but the bicycle and the people with the bicycle and the things that the bicycle and everything else well that’s it I could probably be here for about three or four hours talking load of things around uncle bicycles and about the streets around and about going to the beach and about nothing to the beach in the last month in about being worried about my research and about being murdered of things that I should be writing down right now another things that I should be writing down now everything with a paper and studying tasks for next classes but there is the register it’s the time at this little convenience I don’t know how to say that in English places where we buy drinks and streets of your house and where you sit down and take a look at the streets and see what’s going around when I usually come around here not here not anymore not very frequently anymore because there’s no money in Brazil and I’ll go back home now I’ll finish up here I’m taking a beer just one on cam and I’m finishing it right now and going back home organizing this text and organizing and begin to organize and think about everything else about this week about today about tomorrow and do the things thank you.




Orlando G. da Silva — organizing-scitech , administração, UACC, CCJS, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande /UFCG — twitter.com/orlgs